Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Huck Finn 10/10/07

Page 15 paragraph 4
Quote from book
"Ain’t you a sweet-scented dandy, though? A bed; and bedclothes; and a look’n-glass; and a piece of carpet on the floor- and your own father got to sleep with the hogs in the tanyard. I never see such a son. I bet I’ll take some o’ these frills out o’ you before im done with you. Why there ain’t no end to your airs- they say you’re rich. Hey?- how’s that?"
Quote in own words
Look at you all cleaned up and handsome, you have a bed to sleep in and clothes to sleep in, a house and windows, and you even have carpet on your floor but me your own father has to sleep out on the streets, I’ve never seen my son so joyful But I’ll take some of that out of you when I get custody of you, there isn’t no end to your joyful life, they say your rich now How is it?

Personal response
This theme is related to relationship with parents Huck Finn is seeing his dad for the first time in years and that quote is one of the first things he says to him he says it meaning look at you after all these years your rich, in clean clothes and have a better life then I did when I was growing up and you even have a better life then me now but once I get you ill treat you and raise you how I was raised cause you’re my son. I think Huck’s dad is jealous oh Huck’s life because its better then his ever was. I can relate to Huck Finn cause I know what its like to have this really nice life and someone just takes it away, like how I lived with my mom till I was fourteen years old then one day I just started living this whole other life with different rules and aspects with my dad and not to sure if I was going to like it.

Literary Analysis
In the quote I think Mark Twain was trying to point out that Huck’s dad had a very harsh life growing up as a kid. Maybe his own father beat him or something happened to him when he was little, He’s one of those greedy people who only think of them selves and think if they never had it either should anyone else, Marks theme was to get an evil first impression of this man, show he was not friendly. I mean who wouldn’t want the best for there kid. What parent wouldn’t want there child to have an education and wouldn’t want them to be able to read and write?, I relate to Mart Twain because I have meet some pretty greedy people growing up my uncle Dave used to steal money from my cousins (his two daughters) and I thought it was just mean and Horrible that a dad would do that.

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