Wednesday, November 28, 2007

blog #5 Friendship =]

(From Walt Disney's "The Fox and the Hound") When you're best of friends Having so much fun together, You're not even aware You're such a funny pair. You're the best of friends. Life's a happy game, You could clown around forever. Neither one of you sees your natur'l boundaries. Life's one happy game. If only the world wouldn't get in the way, If only people would just let you play. They'll say you're both being fools, You're breaking all the rules. They can't understand Your magic wonderland. When you're the best of friends, Sharing all that you discover, When these moments have passed Will that friendship last? Who can say if there's a way? How I hope, I hope it never ends, 'Cause you're the best of friends.

This song has to do alot with friendship Its from Fox in the hound, I like this song because I can relate to it. I have many friends that are crazy and different from me, But yet we get along great, You feel like you don't need anybody but them because you just have so much fun together, you dont care about the rest of the world you get in trouble and have no limit on what you say and dont say, And what you do, Until your parents stop you, You share so many memorizes and create a inside joke every single time your together, And you hope you never loose each othe cause your the best friend i've ever had
dedicated to -Angel Colorossi my best friend <3

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Moral Dilemmas in Huck Finn

Heather Clark

Mr. Hughes

English 10 6th hour

31 October 2007

Moral Dilemmas in Huck Finn
Moral Dilemmas in Huck Finn In the adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck faces a number of moral dilemmas which reveal much about this character.
One of the many Dilemmas that Huck comes about is having to lie about his name and who he really is, Huck lies to many people about who he is because If people found out he was really Huck Finn he would be in a lot of trouble and have to go back with his dad, Huck lies to two people about his name he uses secret idenetys such as when he dressed up as a girl when he went back to his town and pretended to be Sarah Williams (page 41 chapter 11 paragraph 1 “ come in says the woman, and I did. She says: “take a cheer.” I done it. She looked me all over with her little shiny eyes, and says: “what might your name be?” “Sarah Williams”. Another time that Huck lied about his name was when he fell off the steamboat and found that family and said his name was George Jackson ( chapter 17 paragraph 1 “Oh you did, did you strike a light there, somebody what did you say your name was? “George Jackson sir, I’m only a boy”.
It seems that Huck Lying about his name is a good idea, Because if someone found out he was Huck he would be in a whole lot of trouble, and have to go back with his dad also have to deal with all the drama and the people’s reactions and disappointment at home, Telling the truth about his name would be a bad idea because eventually it would get back to his town because everyone knows about it and thinks Huck is dead, He would have to hide from people because he would have people searching for him.
Huck is doing fine with lying but should keep his story straight about his name and his whole life background He shouldn’t keep changing it like in chapter 17 when he forgets what he pretended his name was so he has Buck spell it out for him. (Chapter17 paragraph 2 “I bet you can’t spell my name”. Says I” “I bet you what I dare you I can.”
“All right,” “says I,” “go ahead” “G-E-O-R-G-E J-A-C-K-S-O-N there now he says” also when he goes back to his town and to see what’s going on he gets his story confused with the woman (chapter 11 paragraph 1“Well I reckon you have lived in the country. I thought maybe you were trying to hocus me again. What’s your real name now?” “ George peters, mum.”
Huck’s running away causes many dilemmas that he has to be aware of, after a few years Huck probably won’t even have to hide his name; Huck hiding his name is a good idea and just one of the many dilemmas he is going through.